Project: Symphony of Imagination: Designing a Virtual Band
  • In the experimental "Sandbox Module" at Hyper Island, I was part of a collaboration between the Digital Creative and Content Developer classes. Our challenge was to conceptualize and promote a virtual music group within a tight timeframe. Inspired by gaming culture and influenced by RIOT's virtual pop group "K/DA," our task was to create an immersive content universe for our debut as a virtual Kpop group.

  • My group, embracing the theme of gaming terminology, named our virtual group "EXP" (Experience), symbolizing our journey into the music industry. Drawing upon modern Kpop aesthetics and a touch of retro pop nostalgia, we designed compelling visuals, including a group photo and album cover named "Fusion." We ventured beyond conventional promotional avenues and created concept merchandise, a dedicated website, and a captivating teaser video posted on YouTube.

  • The collaboration was an exhilarating initiation into Hyper Island's dynamic environment. Our successful synergy as a team generated stunning visuals that seamlessly merged diverse artistic influences. The project not only allowed us to creatively execute a complex brief but also provided a cathartic experience of industry collaboration. Through our dedication, we navigated minor communication challenges swiftly and delivered an engaging and visually compelling content universe, setting a promising tone for my creative journey at Hyper Island.


Empowering Sustainability: H&M Collaboration